We’re delighted to welcome the incredibly talented and tenacious to HOTA as a Home Company.
HOTA Home Companies share our values of supporting new and inspiring artistic opportunities, and encouraging artists to take risks, experiment and create great art. We offer support to develop and create new of work through things like in-kind venue hire, technical, producing and marketing support.
We’re incredibly proud to be supporting such a creative and forward-thinking company as Supercell as they develop their 2021 Makers Program, and we anticipate that 2021 will be the first of a multi-year partnership between our organisations.
The 2021 Makers Program will enable us to work together with Supercell and artists new to HOTA and create opportunities for local artists to cross-pollinate with their interstate peers. The program will culminate with new local and national works premiering alongside international artists at Supercell’s festival at HOTA in 2022.
The Gold Coast has an ever-growing, dynamic dance sector but there are few development or presentation platforms for professional contemporary dance in our region. Through this partnership we share Supercell’s ambition to grow the Gold Coast as a hub where you can create, experience and engage with outstanding contemporary dance.
Tickets are now on sale for Supercell's first event at HOTA on Fri 5 Mar, a choreographic conference for secondary dance educators called Move It, Make It!
Look out for more news on Supercell coming soon and check out their website.
Image credit: Ivan Trigo Miras.
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