A father-daughter road trip set in 1990s Poland, TREASURE follows Ruth (Dunham), an American music journalist, and her father, Edek (Fry), a charmingly stubborn Holocaust survivor, on a journey to his homeland. While Ruth is eager to make sense of her family's past, Edek embarks on the trip with his own agenda. This emotional, funny culture clash of two New Yorkers exploring post-socialist Poland is a powerful example of how reconnecting with family and the past can be an unexpected treasure.
Country of Origin – Germany / France
Mature themes and coarse languageDuration111 minsCastLena Dunham, Stephen Fry, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Wenanty Nosul, Robert Besta, Oliver Ewy, David KrzysteczkoAccessibility[CC] Closed Captions are available for this film
HI - Hearing Impaired, listening assistive headsets are available for this film
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